I am so excited about this blog post! I read each and every one of the contest entries, and was amazed by all the wonderful, and deserving, future brides who shared their love stories with me.
The winning couple is receiving free wedding photography, and the runner-up will get a free engagement session.
I’ll be honest, when I first posted the contest for free wedding photography I was nervous. Would anyone enter? (That was a silly thought! Wow to how many entries I received!) The most nerve wracking concern though was- How would I choose?
I’m not going to lie, yes all the stories were heartfelt and deserving, but there was one story that stuck with me. It was warm, genuine, humorous, and oh so sweet, it was a clear winner.
Below are a few highlights from Megan’s story. I hope you don’t mind that I share, but girl, your story deserves to be heard! Congrats you two.
“While on the hike, everything seemed to be normal and Rob gave no hint that he was planning something. …. Through all of my excitement, I did manage to yell at him for proposing to me while I “looked like a boy.” No joke. One of the first things I said right after being proposed to was that I looked like a boy. Man, what a lucky guy Rob is! But in truth, I was wearing these ugly hiking boots, a baseball cap, and no makeup…nothing of which was flattering at all. I guess if he could find me attractive at that point, then we are good to go!”
“[My parents] are INSISTENT that they pay for the wedding. Both Rob and I have begged and pleaded for them to let us help with the costs, but my parents will not even entertain the idea. Being a teacher, I can’t contribute that much, but I still want to help ease the financial burden on my parents. We are doing EVERYTHING ourselves…the food, the decorations, literally everything. I have told my mom that I don’t want certain things, but in all actuality, I do…I just don’t want her to pay for it. …. And then to top it all off, my sister got engaged, so now they have TWO WEDDINGS IN ONE YEAR to pay for. …. God bless my parents (and their credit cards!)”
“Having everyone from my family together plus everyone from Rob’s family together will make it one of the most memorable days of my life (plus marrying my best friend helps, too!) There will be nothing fancy, just family and a lot of love. Even though I always envisioned having this huge fairy tale wedding, I honestly wouldn’t change a thing about my upcoming nuptials. In the end, it is all about the marriage and love and not the wedding.“

That brings us to the Runner-Up.
This was FAR more difficult! I was literally phoning friends asking them to weigh in. I didn’t share names or specifics, but I needed some guidance on how to choose.
So, how did I choose you ask? Well, first I must share a personal tid-bit about myself. Which only seems fair after all these women have shared so much with me. So here it goes. There are certain things in my life that have caused me to be very guarded in love. I like to think of it as excessively cautious. Okay, so not the most shocking share topic, but it’s true, and for someone in the “love business” it can be hard to admit.
How did this help me decide exactly? Easy, this couple obviously had no inhibitions in love, and it was a small reminder that life is short so we should all take a lesson from Amber and Will. If it’s meant to be, don’t hold back!
Below is a little something from Amber’s story…
“He walked over, kissed me and gave a hug and I felt things I had never felt before, my heart was racing and I had butterflies in my stomach. I swear it was love at first sight and 3 days later we said “I love you” and things only got better from there. We both knew that we had found our soul mates and that we wanted to get married.”

Again, Congrats to the winners, and thank you to all of the amazing brides who shared their love stories with me!
by admin
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